We’ve been fortunate over the years to have worked with Quikcard Dental Plans and the Edmonton Oilers Alumni Association and the guy who gives both of those organizations its spark, named Lyle Best. Lyle is a good friend of our company and when he called a few years ago to write, design and sell advertising in a commemorative program to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Edmonton Oilers Alumni, we jumped at the chance because we’re, well....sports nerds and we especially love hockey. And, given the Winnipeg Jets are no longer around, we figured that working with the Edmonton Oilers would be the next best thing...but the minute the Jets are back in the NHL, we’re GONZO!!! In a very tight time frame we created and delivered one of the finer print projects we’ve ever been involved in and sold more than enough advertising to fully support the effort so that every one of the 3,000 people who attended the big event got one of these babies free of charge. We’ve heard that it sells on Ebay for upwards of $200!!